These vines and climbers with red flowers will form a beautifully painted garden whenever you're growing them! If you want a section of your pergolas or garden walls covered with bright red flowers, these vines and climbers with red flowers will be perfect for you. 10Red Flowering Vines 1. Rangoon Creeper Botanical Name:Combretum indicum Rangoon creeper bears reddish flowers. The flowers are fragrant and tubular and their color varies from white to pink to red. The flowers change in color with age. Buy Rangoon creeper 2. Red Bougainvillea Botanical Name:Bougainvillea Bougainvillea is a hardy shrub. It comes in different colors. Grow this plant in full sun for the best color and growth. Buy Bougainvillea 3.Flaming Glory Bower Botanical Name:Clerodendrum splendens It is a twining evergreen climber, growing to 3 meters or more, with panicles of brilliant scarlet flowers in summer. The glossy leaves are ornamental in appearance and create a rich and lustrous backdrop. 4. Red Flowering Cypress Vine Botanical Name:Ipomoea quamoclit The Cypress vineis an impressiveflowering vine with small, delicate, papery star-shaped blooms, in bright red. It also functions fabulously as a foliage plant with graceful, and feathery fern-like leaves. 5. Red Morning Glory Botanical Name:Ipomoea hederifolia The Red Morning Glory is a herbaceous annual vine and is commonly known as scarlet morning glory, scarlet creeper, and star ipomoea. The plant produces heart-shaped leaves and trumpet shaped flowers that come in a variety of colors. 6. Red Climbing Roses Botanical Name:Rosa Red Climbing Roses have a mild scent and look great with a dark green backdrop of glossy leaves.Rosa 'Crimson Glory' would be a great option. 7. Nasturtium Botanical Name:Tropaeolum majus Tropaeolum,commonly known as nasturtium isa trailing plantwith redor orange flowers. Nasturtiumproducesshowy, often intensely bright flowers and rounded leaves. Theplanthas been used in herbal medicine. 8. Bleeding-heart vine Botanical Name:Clerodendrum thomsoniae It is an evergreenlianagrowing up to 4m.The small, flat flowers have balloon-like white calyxes from which emerge brilliant crimson or dark red corollas with prominent stamens and style that extend way beyond the petals which gives them the name "Bleeding-heart vine". 9.Redpassion flower Botanical Name:Passiflora coccinea Scarlet passion flowerorred passion flower is a fast-growing vine thatgrows well in bright sunorsemi - shade conditions.Redblooms appear in a bunch. 10. Red Mandevilla Vine Botanical Name:Mandevilla Mandevilla is a tender woody vinewithvery showy redflowers. Mandevilla blooms heaviest in summer. The Mandevilla vine makes a great colorful addition to gardens. Next step Gardener services Maintenance gardener Setup gardener Balcony gardener Vegetable gardener Flower gardener Virtual garden consultation Landscaping services Landscape design Landscape garden maintenance Online nursery Organic pesticides and fertilizers Plant media Organic seeds Extra reading Creepers Vs Climbers 5 climbers that are easy to grow Pagoda flower (Clerodendrum paniculatum) Start a Terrace Garden Plants for a terraced garden Happy Gardening! Dr. Vandana K.