The most important thing to consider before building a garden is the area available. It should be large enough to accommodate all the necessary elements. What is a Terrace Garden? The term terrace garden refers to any type of garden on a roof. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including a greenhouse, a vegetable garden, a flower bed, or even a swimming pool! Terrace Garden Design and Materials The materials needed for a rooftop garden are quite simple. As long as you have a roof, you can grow anything you like! Terracotta pots are one of the most popular choices for terrace gardens. They come in many sizes, shapes, colors, and styles. Pottery is durable and weatherproof, making it ideal for outdoor use. Excellent quality pots are available. There are many different types of terracotta pot designs available, such as planters, urns, vases, baskets, and flowerpots. Planter boxes are another type of terracotta pot that is used for gardening. They are usually made out of clay and painted white. Many people prefer using terra cotta pots over plastic containers for planting flowers and vegetables. Plastic containers are cheap, but they don't last forever. Terra cotta pots can last for decades. If you're looking for a new terrace garden idea, consider using a terracotta pot instead of a plastic container. Here's what you need to know about choosing the right terrace garden design and material. 1. Choose the Right Size Pot Most terrace garden designers recommend using a large pot for plants and small pots for herbs and flowers. A large pot is easier to water and maintain. Smaller pots require less maintenance. When you buy a terrace garden, make sure it has drainage holes. 2. Consider the Material Choose a terracotta pot that matches your style and taste. Some terracotta pots are made of ceramic, while others are made of glazed porcelain. Porcelain pots are more expensive than ceramic pots, but they are more resistant to heat and wear. 3. Consider the Color Color is an important part of terrace garden design. White pots are generally considered classic, while colored pots add color to your terrace garden. 4. Find the Perfect Spot Wherever you decide to place your terrace garden, be sure to choose a spot that gets full sunlight throughout the day. Small Terrace Garden Design Ideas The garden should be designed so that it provides shade and shelter from the sun. It should also provide a place where you can relax and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and have a greenery of plants. A small space can seem like a daunting task, but there are many ways to make it into something beautiful and a perfect space. Here are some tips for creating a great outdoor space. 1. Choose plants that complement each other Plants that grow well together are easier to maintain. For example, a plant with lots of leaves like mint or basil would do well next to a tall, thin plant like lavender. Plants that don't do well together include ones that require different soil types, such as tomatoes and strawberries. 2. Use containers Containers allow you to choose what kind of plants you want to use. They're also easy to move around, making it easy to change up your garden design. Choose pots that fit the size of the plants you want to place inside them. For example, larger pots are needed for plants with large roots. Use taller pots for plants that need room to grow. 3. Add height Tall plants give your garden a vertical element. This makes it easier to see and enjoy your garden. 4. Create a focal point A focal point gives your garden focus and helps visitors find their way around. Think about where you'd like people to stop first. This could be a bench, a table, or a bed of flowers. 5. Make sure everything works together When designing your garden, think about the colors, textures, and shapes of your plants. Make sure the colors match and contrast. For example, a bright yellow flower looks better next to a dark green leaf than it does next to a pale pink one. 6. Consider the weather The climate of your area will affect what kinds of plants thrive in your garden. If you live in an area with extreme heat or cold, consider planting hardy plants instead of tender ones. 7. Think about maintenance What's the easiest way to care for your plants? Is it watering once a week or twice a day? Is it mulching every month or only once a season? 8. Don't forget the ground It's not just for growing plants. If you plan to add a patio or deck, make sure the ground is prepared. Add gravel or sand to create a stable surface. Then lay down landscape fabric to prevent weeds from taking over. 9. Be creative You don't have to stick to traditional designs. There is a wide variety of options. Consider adding a rock wall, a fountain, or a trellis. 10. Get started Now that you've got some inspiration, get out there and get planting. It may take a while to get your garden looking exactly how you want it, but the payoff will be worth it. Raised bed is a great option Raised beds are a great way to grow vegetable plants in a small area. They allow you to grow taller crops like tomatoes and peppers without needing a large plot of land. The soil is kept moist by water runoff and they provide a natural barrier against pests. Raised beds are great for growing vegetables, aromatic flowers, herbs, fruits, and berries. They're also great for growing food indoors and varieties of plants. A raised bed is a container that's about 6 inches taller than the soil inside it. You fill the container with soil and plant seeds, then water and wait until the plants grow big enough to transplant into bigger pots. Why use raised beds? Raised beds make it easier to reach the produce you've grown. Raised beds allow you to harvest crops earlier than traditional gardening methods. Raised gardens are less likely to flood, making them safer for small children and pets. How do I make my own raised bed? Find a sturdy piece of wood. Drill holes along one edge of the board. Cut two pieces of wire to fit through the drilled holes. Tie the wires together to create a frame. Fill the frame with potting soil. Plant seeds in the soil. Water the plants every day. Wait until the plants grow large enough to transplant into larger containers. What else do I need to know about raised beds? A raised bed doesn't have to be made out of wood. It can be made out of concrete, plastic, metal, or anything else that has drainage holes. The height of the raised bed depends on what type of plants you plan to grow. For example, tomatoes usually require a higher bed than lettuce. When choosing plants, consider whether you want to grow annuals, perennials, or biennials. Annual plants live only one season, while perennials live two seasons. Biennials live two seasons. There are many different types of raised beds available. Some come with built-in frames, while others don't. Raised garden beds are not suitable for growing trees. The furniture needs to blend well It is important to choose furniture that blends well with the rest of the house. For example, if you have a modern style home, then a modern sofa is a perfect fit. On the other hand, if you have a rustic look, then a rustic couch would be a better choice. You can also think about different elements like a garden fountain or a bird bath in a corner. Furniture is one of the most important parts of your home. You spend a lot of time there, so you need to make sure that it's comfortable and looks great too. But what about the furniture that goes outdoors? How do you ensure that it blends well with the rest of the house? Here are some tips to consider. 1. Choose Furniture That Fits In With The House When choosing outdoor furniture, think about how it fits into the overall design of the space. For example, if your patio is large, don't choose a small table. A large table will look out of place in a smaller space. Similarly, if you're using a patio as a dining area, don't use a coffee table. Instead, opt for a sideboard or buffet. If you're unsure about the size of the space, talk to your designer. They can give you advice on whether a specific piece would fit in well. 2. Consider Functionality When Choosing Outdoor Furniture Outdoor furniture isn't just for sitting. You can use it for eating, drinking, reading, and lounging. So, when choosing pieces, think about the functionality of each item. For instance, if you plan to eat al fresco, then you might want to buy a table that has a built-in umbrella. Likewise, if you plan to read books while relaxing, then you'll probably want to invest in an ottoman. 3. Use Color Coordination To Create Balance Color is another key element to consider when selecting outdoor furniture. Think about the colors used throughout the house. Will these colors be visible outdoors? If not, then you may want to avoid matching your furniture to the house. Instead, go for color coordination. This means that the beautiful furniture matches the other items in the room. 4. Make Sure It Looks Good From Every Angle One thing that separates outdoor furniture from indoor furniture is that it must face the elements. This means that it needs to withstand rain, snow, wind, heat, and cold. So you will need a weather furniture. To achieve this, you'll need to pay attention to its durability. Look for furniture made from materials such as aluminum, steel, teak, and wicker. These materials are sturdy and durable. 5. Be Aware Of Any Potential Issues Before Purchasing Before purchasing any piece of outdoor furniture, make sure to research the potential issues. For example, you should know whether the furniture is weatherproof, waterproof, or UV resistant. In addition, you should also find out whether the furniture is suitable for pets and children. 6. Don't Forget About Maintenance Finally, remember to maintain your outdoor furniture properly. Choose furniture that will be protected against heavy rains and sun. It's important to clean it regularly and apply maintenance products to protect against the elements. Decide your color palette Deciding what colors to use in your terrace garden can be difficult. You want something that looks great, but isn't too loud. Here's a few tips for choosing your colors: 1. Choose a neutral base color This is the foundation of your design. Neutral colour palette include white, cream, gray, tan, and brown. These neutral colors provide a blank canvas for adding interest. 2. Use contrasting colors Contrasting colors create visual interest and excitement. They make a statement and accent color. 3. Create balance Balance is achieved through repetition of similar colors. For example, using 2-3 colour shades of green or 2-3 color shades of blue creates a sense of harmony. 4. Consider scale Smaller plants can add texture and depth to a space. Larger ones can overwhelm a small area. 5. Use plants that match your style A formal garden might feature plants in rich reds, greens, and purples. An informal garden could feature bright yellows and oranges. 6. Add seasonal flowers Spring and summer are ideal times to plant annuals. Fall and winter are perfect for perennials. 7. Be creative There are no rules for designing a terrace garden. Just think outside the box. Jazz up with lighting Lighting is one of the most important elements of any outdoor space. It sets the mood, creates ambiance, and allows you to enjoy your garden at night. There are so many different types of lights available, but they all serve the same purpose to illuminate your garden. Garden lighting can make a big difference in the appearance of your outdoor space. Lighting can add drama to your landscape, making it look more interesting and inviting. If you're looking for ways to spruce up your outdoor area, consider adding lighting to your terrace garden. Here's what you need to know about lighting options for your terrace garden. What kind of lights do I need? There are many different types of lighting available for gardens. You can choose from traditional overhead fixtures, wall sconces, pendants, recessed downlights, and spotlights. Traditional overhead fixtures are usually installed directly above the plants. They provide ample light for most plants, but they don't give off much heat. Wall sconces are small lamps that hang over a plant container. These are great for smaller spaces where you don't want to install overhead lighting. Pendant lights are suspended from the ceiling and are ideal for larger areas. Pendants come in various shapes and sizes, giving you plenty of options for decorating. Recessed downlights are designed to fit into a hole drilled into a concrete slab. This type of lighting is ideal for large outdoor spaces. Spotlights are powerful lights that shine directly onto plants. Spotlights can be used indoors or outdoors. How do I decide which lighting option works best for my terrace garden? First, think about what you'd like to achieve with your lighting. Do you want to illuminate an entire room, highlight specific plants, or create a romantic mood? Next, consider the size of your terrace garden. How much space does each type of lighting take up? Can you easily move the lighting fixture? Is there adequate clearance between the lighting and any nearby walls or fences? Finally, consider whether you want to use incandescent, fluorescent, or LED bulbs. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Incandescent bulbs produce lots of heat and last longer than other bulb types. But they also generate a lot of energy, so they may not be appropriate for every terrace garden. Fluorescent bulbs are less expensive and require little maintenance, but they aren't as efficient as LED bulbs. LED bulbs are extremely energy efficient and last a long time. But they cost more than other bulbs. Which lighting option should I choose? It depends on how you plan to use your lighting. If you want to illuminate a room, go with a pendant or wall sconce. If you want to highlight certain plants, go with a potted plant or hanging basket. If you want a romantic atmosphere, opt for a pendant or a spotlight. You can find these and other lighting options online or at home improvement stores. Keep the space open The roof garden should be designed keeping in mind the size of the building. It must be large enough to accommodate all the required features. Keep the roof garden space open for the summer A roof garden is a great place for growing plants, flowers, herbs, vegetables, fruits, and trees. Roof gardens are usually located on top of houses, but there are many types of roof gardens. There are two main types of roof gardens: Vertical Roof Garden - This type of roof garden is built vertically on the side of a building. It has walls with planters. It is a type of vertical gardening. Horizontal Roof Garden - This type is built horizontally along the edge of a roof. Both types of roof gardens are popular. Vertical Roof Garden Vertical roofs are usually flat and wide. They are easier to maintain than horizontal roofs. They are also easier to access. Horizontal Roof top Garden Horizontal roofs are usually sloped. Slopes make plants grow up instead of out. This makes it easier to harvest crops. If you live in a city, vertical roof gardens are probably the easiest option. However, if you live in a rural area, horizontal roof gardens might be a better choice. How do I choose the right type of roof garden for my home? First, consider what kind of plant life you want to grow. Do you want to grow only one type of plant, like tomatoes? Or would you prefer to grow a variety of different plants? Next, think about where you plan to put your roof garden. Is it going to be near an outdoor patio? Near a window? In the middle of the house? Finally, consider the amount of maintenance you're willing to give. Will you spend hours every day watering? Will you prune back the plants yourself? Once you've decided on the type of roof garden you'd like to install, contact an UrbanMali landscape designer or a gardening expert locally. We can provide tips on how to design and install your new roof garden. Hedge the borders The most important thing you should consider before planting anything is the climate where you live. In case you live in a hot place, you must plant something that can withstand heat. For instance, if you live in a cold region, you can grow something like a cactus or succulents. Terraces are great places to grow food, but they can be difficult to maintain. A hedge along the border of the terrace helps prevent weeds from growing into the garden. A hedge also keeps the soil moist and protects against erosion. We, at UrbanMali, as Gardening experts, recommend using a variety of plants to create a hedgerow. Variety of plants can texture and dimension to the space. Here are some tips for creating a beautiful hedge along the border of your terrace garden. Choose Plants That Grow Well In Terraced Gardens Plants that do well in terraced gardens include strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, and tomatoes. These plants thrive in the shade created by the terraced walls. As these plants mature, they provide fruit that can be harvested throughout the season. Use A Variety Of Shrub And Tree Species To Create A Hedgerow A shrubbery hedge creates a natural barrier that prevents weeds from invading the garden. Some shrubs, such as Plumbago, Honeysuckle, and Hibiscus, add beauty to the yard while providing privacy. Tree species offer additional protection from the elements. Create A Natural Barrier Along The Border Of Your Terrace Garden If you live near a wooded area, consider planting trees along the border of your garden. This provides an attractive backdrop for your garden. However, make sure to plant the right tree species for the climate where you live. Mulch Around Trees For Moisture Protection To protect the roots of your trees, mulch around their base with straw or leaves. This helps keep the soil around the roots moist and reduces the chance of waterlogging. Watering Tips When watering the garden, try to avoid over-watering. Overly wet soil encourages mold growth. This can lead to root rot and other problems. Soil moisture levels should be kept between 50% and 60%. Make the best of vertical space The most important thing to remember is that a small rooftop garden doesnt mean you cant grow anything. It just means that you should focus on what you can grow well. And if you dont like something, you can always replace it with something else. Flooring needs to look great The floor is one of the most important parts of any room. It should be able to withstand wear and tear, and provide comfort for all who enter the room. There are several different types of flooring materials available today, including hardwood, laminate, tile, carpet, vinyl, and linoleum. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, but they all serve a purpose. The focal point matters It is important to choose a spot where people can see you and enjoy your garden. This will give them a reason to visit your home often. The shade is important Its all about the light! The sunnier the better. But, dont forget about the wind too! Make sure that you have enough ventilation so that the air doesnt become stagnant. Tall walls are useful Tall walls are useful for creating indoor gardens, but they dont always look good. They can also block out light and views. The ideal height for a tall wall is between 3 and 4 feet (11.2 m). Bamboo mats look great If you dont have a balcony or terrace, then a bamboo mat is one of the best ways to add greenery to your home. The bamboo mat is a vertical garden that grows plants vertically using hanging baskets. They come in different sizes and shapes. Some of them are made out of metal, plastic, wood, and stone. Elegant Planters and Pots The key here is to choose a planter or pot that suits your needs. For example, a large pot is perfect for a plant that requires a lot of room but doesnt like being moved around. On the other hand, a smaller pot is ideal for a plant that likes to be kept close to the window. A garden like space A rooftop garden is a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the fresh air. It can also be used to grow herbs, vegetables, flowers, fruits, and even trees. The space can be utilized to host parties, barbecues, picnics, and even weddings. Advantages of Terrace Gardening The advantages of a terrace garden are obvious it gives you the opportunity to grow something beautiful and green all year round. Its also a great way to add greenery to your home without spending too much money. You can also create a space where you can relax from the urban life and concrete jungle. Being Close To Nature The most important thing is to keep the area clean and tidy. Also, try to avoid using too much water during the summer months. It is better to let the plants dry out than to overwater them. Contribution To Reduce Carbon Footprint The first step towards reducing carbon footprint is to reduce energy consumption. This can be done by using solar power, LED bulbs, and CFL bulbs. Enhancing The Look and Feel of Your House It is important to add beauty to your house, but it should not cost a fortune. For this purpose, you can try out these ideas which include using natural materials like wood, stone, and concrete. Keeps The Indoors Cool And Pleasant It is always better to keep the inside cool and pleasant. This way, you can enjoy the fresh air and save money on energy bills. Disadvantages of a rooftop garden The disadvantages of a rooftop garden are that they require a lot of maintenance. They need regular watering and care. Also, they cannot be used during winter months. Tips to Maintain your Terrace Garden Grow Organic Produce Growing organic produce is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. Its easy to grow your own food, and the rewards are endless. From fresh herbs to delicious fruits and vegetables, theres something for everyone. Soil and fertilizer to use in Terrace garden The soil should be rich and well drained. It should contain enough organic matter so that it doesnt dry out quickly. The pH level should be around 6.5. Fertilizer should be applied at least once every two weeks. Waterproofing and drainage The roof should be waterproofed so that water does not seep into the house. This is done by using a waterproof membrane. It is important to ensure that the roof has proper ventilation because this helps prevent condensation. Container gardening on the terrace Planting containers on the terrace will give you a chance to grow vegetables in a way that is convenient for you. Its easy to water and harvest, and you dont have to worry about pests or diseases. Plants for terrace garden The most important thing to consider before planting anything is safety. Make sure you know what kind of plant you are planning to grow and whether they are suitable for your area. Also, be careful about the amount of sunlight they receive. Some plants like sun but others dont like it at all. Diversify Plants It is important to have a variety of plants in your garden. This way you can enjoy different colors, textures, and scents throughout the year Here is a list of Indian plants to grow in your garden. These plants are suitable for terraces and balcony garden. They are easily available, require little maintenance, and are free from pests and diseases. Grow them in your garden and enjoy the fresh produce. 1. Aloe vera Aloe vera is a succulent plant that grows well in hot climates. It requires low water and sunlight. This plant is used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties. You can grow aloe vera indoors or outdoors. It is usually grown in pots. 2. Basil Basil is a popular herb that adds flavor to many dishes. It is widely cultivated throughout India, and is one of the most commonly used herbs. Basil is easy to grow and does not require much attention. It is a perennial plant that can be grown in containers. 3. Bitter gourd Bitter gourd is a vegetable that belongs to the cucumber family. It is native to tropical Asia. In India, bitter gourds are eaten fresh, cooked, pickled, and dried. They are rich in vitamin C, folate, iron, potassium, calcium, fiber, and antioxidants. 4. Bottle gourd Bottle gourd is an annual vine that produces large fruits. The fruit has a thick skin and contains seeds. It is used as a vegetable, and is also known as bottle melon. It is a common ingredient in chutneys, curries, and other Indian dishes. 5. Carrot Carrots are a root vegetable that is native to Europe and Asia. It is also called Queen Anne's lace. Carrots are a source of beta carotene, vitamins A and C, folic acid, dietary fiber, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and zinc. 6. Cinnamon Cinnamon is a spice derived from the bark of cinnamon trees. It is used to add flavor to food and drinks. Cinnamon is also used in perfumes, cosmetics, and medicines. It is native to Sri Lanka, Indonesia, China, India, Madagascar, and Mexico. 7. Coriander Coriander is a fragrant herb that belongs to the cilantro family. It is native in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. Coriander leaves are used as a garnish, a flavoring agent, and a digestive aid. It is also used in cooking. 8. Dill Dill is a flowering plant that belongs to the carrot family. It is native across North America, Europe, and Asia. Dill is used in salads, soups, stews, sauces, breads, and condiments. It is also used as a natural remedy for upset stomachs. 9. Eggplant Eggplants are members of the nightshade family. They belong to the Solanaceae family. There are different varieties of eggplants such as small, medium, and large. Eggplants are considered vegetables because they contain nutrients like Vitamin K, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, and iron. 10. Garlic Garlic is a bulbous plant that belongs to the lily family. It is native all over the world. Garlic is used as a seasoning and a preservative. It is also used medicinally. 11. Ginger Ginger is a rhizome that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family. It is native mostly to Southeast Asia and Australia. Ginger is used as a spice and a culinary herb. 12. Bamboo Bamboo is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors. It has a long history as a plant used in architecture, furniture, and paper making. The leaves of this plant are edible and have a mild flavor. It grows quickly and can reach heights of 10 feet. Indian flowering plants are beautiful and useful for gardens. They add color and fragrance to your garden. You can grow these flowering plants in your terrace garden. Decorate Rooftop Garden with Tires The tires are one of the easiest ways to decorate your roof gardening. They give a unique look to your garden. You can place them anywhere in your garden. Just remember to keep them away from the water source. Bonsai Theme Rooftop Garden The bonsai theme is one of the most popular themes among gardeners. It gives a natural look to the garden. This theme includes miniature trees which grow well in pots. They are easy to care for and require little maintenance. Indian bonsai plants are known as one of the most beautiful flowering trees. They are native to India and China. These plants grow well in terrace gardens. They require full sunlight and moist soil. Here is a list of different types of Indian bonsai plants that you can grow in your garden. 1. Bonsai Tree - This type of plant grows into a small tree. 2. Dwarf Bonsai - This type of plant is smaller than the first type. 3. Flowering Bonsai - This kind of plant produces flowers. 4. Japanese Bonsai - This plant looks similar to the first type. 5. Chinese Bonsai - This variety of plant is native to China. 6. Evergreen Bonsai - This is another type of plant which remain green throughout the year. 7. Semi-evergreen Bonsai - Similar to evergreen bonsai. 8. Deciduous Bonsai - This tree loses its leaves in winter. 9. Hybrid Bonsai - This hybrid plant combines characteristics of two different types of plants. 10. Perennial Bonsai - This perennial plant is hardy and requires little maintenance. 11. Succulent Bonsai - This succulent plant has thick roots and stems. 12. Umbrella Bonsai - This umbrella shaped plant has large leaves. FAQ on Design for Terrace Garden Is terrace garden safe? It depends on what you grow. Some plants like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, and melons are prone to diseases. So, it is better to choose those which are less susceptible to pests and diseases. What are the common terrace garden problems? The most common problem faced by homeowners who have a small rooftop garden is lack of sunlight. This can lead to poor growth of plants and vegetables. It is important to ensure that the roof has enough light so that the plants dont suffer from any deficiency of sunlight. What are the extra precautions and ideas required to set up a terrace garden? The first thing you should consider is whether you wish to grow food or flowers. If you choose the latter, then you must ensure that you keep the area free of weeds and pests. You can also plant edible crops like tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, and herbs. How much will the terrace garden cost? The cost of building a rooftop garden depends on several factors. It all starts with the size of the area you want to cover. Then comes the design, materials used, and the type of soil required. The final cost includes the labor needed to build the garden. What is the thickness of a soil for a terrace garden? The thickness of a terrace garden depends on how much space you want to dedicate to plants. If you have a small area, then you should use only one layer of soil. However, if you have a large area, then you may need two layers of soil. A typical depth of soil for a terrace garden is 1.5 feet deep. Where should I purchase my plants for a garden design? You can order them at our online nursery store at Where do I go for terrace garden designing and terrace garden service? At UrbanMali, we provide professional terrace garden services and residential terrace garden designing service. You can contact us at for idea for terrace gardens. Happy Gardening! Dr Vandana K