Why buy from the market when you can grow them in your garden?? Read on to learn everything about how to grow Vegetables rich in Vitamins C in Containers.If you want to increase your vitamin C intake, grow these vegetables and get a fresh supplement of the vitamins. 1. Spinach Botanical Name:Spinacia oleracea Spinach has a high content of Vitamin C, B6, B9, and Folic Acid. It's easy to plant spinach in containers. Use it cooked or raw. A 100-gram of spinach contains 28.1 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Spinach seeds 2. Lettuce Botanical Name: Lactuca sativa Lettuces are rich in vitamin C, and manganese, and contain lots of dietary fibers. You can grow it year-round and plant it in spring or late winter. A 100-gram of lettuce has 9.2 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Lettuce seeds 3. Radish Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus It provides a rich source of folate, vitamin c, and potassium and is an easy vegetable to grow in containers. Vitamin C content per 100 grams of radishes is 14.8 milligrams. Buy Radish seeds 4. Peppers Botanical Name: Capsicum annum Peppers and chili peppers are good sources of Vitamin C and iron. Pepper contains 143.7 milligrams of vitamins C per 100 grams. Buy Chili plant seeds Buy Chili saplings Buy Capsicum seeds 5. Tomatoes Botanical Name: Solanum lycopersicum Tomatoes are full of vitamins C, K, and folate and they're easy to grow in pots. It is also one of the versatile vegetables and is used in many dishes. One hundred grams of tomatoes contain 124 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Tomato seeds Buy Tomato saplings 6. Eggplants Botanical Name: Solanum melongena Eggplant is another rich source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. There are many types of eggplants and they can be grown very easily. A 100-gram of eggplant has 2.5 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Brinjal seeds Buy Brinjal saplings 7. Green Onions Botanical Name: Allium cepa This is yet another vegetable that is high in vitamins C and A, and also contains riboflavin and folic acid. Vitamin C content per 100 grams of green onions is 18.8 milligrams. 6. Onions Botanical Name: Allium cepa Onions are a good source of folic acid, vitamin c, and fiber, and they're easy to grow in most climates. They can be used fresh or cooked into dishes. One hundred grams of onions contain 7.4 milligrams of vitamin C. 7. Broccoli Botanical name:Brassica oleracea var. italica Broccoli contains nutrients that promote healthy bones, the immune system, and the cardiovascular system. It has a high content of Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, Sodium, and fiber content. 100 grams of broccoli contain 89 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Broccoli seeds 8. Brassicas Botanical Name: Brassica Brassicas are rich sources of vitamins C, K, A and E. They're also high in folate, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and fiber. A 100-gram of brassica contains 53 milligrams of vitamin C. Buy Cabbage seeds Buy Cauliflower seeds Next step Gardener services Maintenance gardener Setup gardener Balcony gardener Vegetable gardener Flower gardener Virtual garden consultation Landscaping services Landscape design Landscape garden maintenance Online nursery Organic pesticides and fertilizers Plant media Organic seeds Extra reading All about Brassicas How to grow Spinach in home How to grow Chili at home Grow your own Vitamin A garden 10 Most Nutritious Vegetables You Need To Grow In Your Garden Happy Gardening! Dr. Vandana K.