Plants are an important part of our lives. We spend hours every week tending to them, watering them, fertilizing them, and enjoying their beauty. We often think of plants as decorative items, but they actually play a huge role in our health. In fact, houseplants can improve air quality, purify water, cleanse the air, and provide natural remedies for common ailments such as colds and flu. In addition, houseplants can brighten up your space and give off a pleasant scent. Here are nine deeply fragrant houseplants that instantly lift your mood. 1.Scented Geraniums Botanical Name:Pelargonium Geraniums are low-maintenance plants. There are different types of geraniums. They are common indoor plants owing to their vibrant colored flowers. Scented geraniums bear beautiful flowers, but they are mainly admired for their fragrant leaves. 2.Lavender Botanical Name:Lavandula Lavender has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Lavender is known to relieve stress, calm anxiety, ease pain, promote sleep, and improve mood. In addition to these benefits, lavender is also an effective insect repellent. Several lavender plants are available, ranging from small shrubs to tall ones. Some types of lavender are grown primarily for their flowers, while others are grown for their leaves. 3. Gardenia Botanical name:Gardenia jasminoides Gardenias have a serene vibe with pure white flowers and shiny leaves. The fragrance of flowers is an added advantage. They prefer a sunny bright space. Gardenia essential oil is a staple in perfumes, lotions, and candles. They have sweet, zesty, and creamy fragrances. 4.Lemon Balm Botanical Name:Melissaofficinalis Lemon Balm is an evergreen plant. It grows best in rich and well-drained soils. This herb loves the bright indirect sunlight to the full sunlight. It has a sweet scent and an aroma similar to lemons. It also helps to keep insects away. In addition, lemon balm is known to relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia. 5.Jasmine Botanical Name:Jasminum Jasmine is known for their fragrance. They can grow in pots easily. While growing indoors, keep them near a sunny window. You can pick from a variety of jasmines. The fragrance of jasmine can relieve stress and fatigue. 6.Plumeria Botanical Name:Plumeria Plumeria comes in a variety of colors and fragrances. They can also be grown in pots easily. However, it would be best to choose a large container and a sunny spot to grow them successfully. Plumerias smell sweet or spicy. Some of them also smell like jasmine, lemon, and peaches. Plumerias are known to uplift overall health and well-being. 7.Doddapatre Botanical name:Coleus amboinicus Doddapatre is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae and grows up to 1 m tall. The stem is fleshy, either with long rigid hairs or densely covered with soft, short, and erect hairs. Leaves are fleshy, simple, broad, and oval-shaped with a tapering tip. The leaves have a combined flavor of thyme, oregano, and turpentine. The leaves' taste is similar to oregano but has a sharp, minty flavor. 8.Mint Botanical Name:Mentha Mint is one of the most flavorful herbs. Growing it indoors is very easy. You can also grow mint on your kitchen windowsill. They have a refreshing fragrance. Peppermint oil can improve mental clarity, reduce brain fog, and raise energy levels. Mint is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and bring calmness. In addition, it helps to relax the system internally. 9.Lemongrass Botanical Name:Cymbopogon Lemongrass is a fragrant herb native to Africa South East Asia. Its leaves contain citronella oil, which has antibacterial properties. The oil also helps relieve stress and anxiety. The aromatic leaves are grown for many purposes. Lemongrass is also known to boost metabolism and increase energy levels. You can grow them indoors next to a sunny windowsill. Next step Gardener services Maintenance gardener Setup gardener Balcony gardener Vegetable gardener Flower gardener Virtual garden consultation Landscaping services Landscape design Landscape garden maintenance Online nursery Organic pesticides and fertilizers Plant media Organic seeds Extra reading Lemon grass how to grow How to Grow Plumerias in Pots Planting Herbs in Containers: Oregano, Chives, Thyme, Mints, Basil, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender Top 7 Night Blooming Fragrant Flowers Doddapatre Leaf Happy Gardening! Dr. Vandana K.