Flowers are one of nature's greatest gifts. They're colorful, fragrant, and full of life. There are hundreds and thousands of varieties of beautiful flowers that you can grow in your garden. 1. Roses Rose is one of the most popular flowers in the world. There are hundreds of varieties of roses, each with its unique characteristics. Buy Paneer rose plant 2. Dahlias Dahlias are popular herbaceous perennial plants. They come in a vivid range of colors and shapes. They are the most loved garden plants, as well as cut flowers. 3. Cosmos Cosmos are herbaceous plants commonly grown as summer annuals. These plants do not require much care at all. Adding organic content to the soil gives a lot of blooms. 4. Crepe Jasmine The plant has flowers in a pin-wheel shape. Crape Jasmine is one of the most common garden flowers found throughout peninsular India. Buy Crepe Jasmine 5. Arabian Jasmine Jasminum sambacis an evergreen vine or shrub. The flowers bloom throughout the year. This plant is grown as an ornamental plant and for its strongly scented flowers. 6. Hibiscus Hibiscus are easy to grow. They grow well in any kind of soil. With their variety of colors and shapes, they make a great addition to your garden. They need bright light for good growth. Buy Hibiscus red Buy hibiscus white Buy hibiscus pink 7. Night Jasmine Night jasmine isa hardy climber. The flowers of this plant open at night, exuding strong perfume. It thrives in warm weather and needs bright light. It prefers rich, fertile soils but will tolerate poor ones if it gets enough water. Night queen is easy to grow and care for. Buy Night jasmine 8. Lotus Lotus is the symbol of purity. This flower can be a focal pointing any garden. 9. Oleander Oleander comes in different hues of yellow, peach, salmon, pink, and burgundy red. Oleander flowers profusely in spring and summer. Buy Oleander plant 10. Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemum plants need plenty of sunlight to grow well. They come in different colors. Water them regularly, and they add beautiful color and fragrance. Buy Chrysanthemum plant 11. Plumeria A deciduous shrub or a small tree famous for its fragrant flowers. They are easily propagated by stem cuttings. It is grown for its ornamental value. Buy plumeria Buy plumeria pudica 12. Butterfly pea plant Blue Butterfly Peabelongs to the leguminous plant family Fabaceae. It has a creamy white-colored center. Butterfly pea flower is a common ingredient in many herbal teas. Buy Blue Butterfly Pea plant 13. Fox Brush Orchid Fox Brush Orchid is a dwarf orchid species. These flowers are fragrant and colorful, making great house plants and garden flowers. They have pendulous inflorescence. 14. Tuberose Tuberose is a perennial plant with pure white waxy tubular flowers. Flowers emit a strong fragrance and are used in perfumery. 15. Parijata Parijatais a short tree, and its flowers are fragrant and bloom at night. The tree is sometimes called the "tree of sorrow" because the flowers lose their brightness during daytime. Buy Parijata plant 16. Brahmakamala The plant is also called the queen of the night. The white flowers have a rich, floral scent. Buy Brahmakamala plant 17. Gardenia This tropical plant has beautiful glossy green foliage and produces large white flowers that emit a strong smell while blooming. 18. Four'O Clock Four'O Clock is an ornamental perennial plant. Four o'clock flowers grow and bloom abundantly in the summer. The colorful trumpet-like flowers bloom in the late afternoon or early evening. 19. Common jasmine It is also known as summer jasmine, poet's jasmine, white jasmine, and true jasmine. Common jasmine is a semi-evergreen vine. Buy jasmine plant 20. Bread Flower It is a climbing shrub. The white flowers have an intense fragrance. This plant can be a great addition to your garden as it attracts many birds and butterflies. Buy Bread flower plant 21. Periwinkle Periwinkle is known to be extremely hardy and is known to thrive even in nutritionally deficient soils. It is widely used as groundcover. Buy Periwinkle plant 22. Jamaican bluespike It is a hardy perennial herb. The blue-purplish colored flowers produced in a spike attract a lot of butterflies. Buy Jamaican bluespike 23. Wedelia Wedelia is an herbaceous, hardy perennial plant. It spreads aggressively. Wedelia is widely used as groundcover. Buy Wedelia plant 24. Cockscomb Cockscomb is a great, low-maintenance plant that comes in a variety of colors. It grows well even in poor, rocky, and sandy soils. 25. Osbeckia Osbeckia is an annual herb that bears purple-pink flowers. Plant it anywhere, and it grows well. Buy Osbeckia 26. Crotalaria Crotalaria is a genus of flowering plants commonly known as rattlepods. This species is used as an ornamental for its bright yellow flowers. 27. Rangoon Creeper Rangoon creeper bears reddish flowers. The flowers are fragrant and tubular, varying from white to pink to red. The flowers change in color with age. Buy Rangoon creeper 28. Peacock flower ThePeacock flower is a striking ornamental plant. It is widely grown in gardens for its red, orange, and yellow flowers. The plant attracts many birds and butterflies, especially hummingbirds. Buy Peacock flower plant 29. Pagoda flower This species is a perennial herbaceous plant growing from a woody rootstock. The inflorescence consists of one or more large clusters of white-yellowish flowers which bloom between July and September. Read more on Pagoda flower 30. Globe Amaranth Globe amaranth is a plant of the Amaranth family. The globe-shaped flower inflorescences exhibit a variety of shades like purple, red, orange, white, and pink. 31. Uttareni It is a perennial herb. The pink-colored flowers produced in a spike attract a lot of butterflies. Buy Uttareni plant 32. Canna It is a popular garden plant due to its big showy flowers. They come in a variety of shapes and colors. Buy Canna plant 33. Butterfly Milkweed Scarlet Milkweed is a short herb with bright red-yellow flowers. Wasps, beetles, and a number of other butterflies visit these flowers to feed on the nectar. Buy Butterfly milkweed plant 34. Jungle Geranium Jungle Geranium is also known as Indian Rose and is widely grown in gardens across India. Its leaves are used to treat various ailments such as fever, cough, cold, stomach ache, skin diseases, etc. Read more on Jungle geranium 35. Flame lily Flame Lilies are native to South Africa and Asia. They are also known as Gloriosa, African Lily, Fire lily, climbing flame lily, or simply glory vine. These plants are very easy to grow and require little maintenance. Read more on Flame lily 36. Spatika It is known as December Flower as it blooms in December and is normally strung into garlands of flowers for women to wear in their hair. 37. Kanakambra Kanakambaram is also known as the Firecracker Flower after its exploding fruits. The blooms are gorgeous orange in color. Buy Kanakambara plant 38. White ginger It has one of the most beautiful flowers among all the other Gingers. The butterfly-shaped flowers have a fragrance that would make anyone go weak in the knees. Buy White ginger plant 39. Shooting star Commonly grown as an ornamental plant, it also attracts butterflies. Buy Shooting star plant 40. Jatropha A shrub that produces beautiful red flowers. The flowers attract many butterflies. The seeds are used in the production of biofuel. Buy Jatropha plant 41. Indigo Indigofera tinctoria, also called true indigo, is a species of plant from the bean family that was one of the original sources of indigo dye. Buy Indigo plant 42. Day king Day King is a tall shrub whose fragrant tubular flowers. It is said that these fruits are poisonous to humans and most other mammals. Buy Day King plant 43. Balsam Balsam is a small annual plant with red or pink flowers. The stem is translucent with reddish streaks. Buy Balsam plant 44. Butterfly Bush The butterfly bush is one of the most popular ornamental shrubs for gardens worldwide. This deciduous plant with yellow-white flowers. Buy Butterfly bush plant 45. Cosmos Cosmos are herbaceous plants commonly grown as summer annuals. These plants do not require much care at all. Adding organic content to the soil gives a lot of blooms. 46. Bougainvillea Bougainvillea is a hardy, drought-tolerant perennial plant. They come in a variety of colors. It's perfect for arbors, fences, or pots. Buy Bougainvillea plant 47. Rain lily It is a flowering bulb that is grown for its ornamental value. 48. Golden trumpet vine This is a flowering climber that looks lovely on a pergola of a roof. It has a woody stem and prefers a surface that it can use as support to fall over. Buy Golden trumpet vine 49. Firecracker plant Commonly called the firecracker or the coral plant, these slender red and white color flowers attract many sunbirds. Buy Firecracker plant 50. Tecoma Commonly called the firecracker or the coral plant, these slender red and white color flowers attract many sunbirds. Buy Tecoma plant 51. White Shankapushpi It is a fast-growing, perennial herbaceous climber. These plants have medicinal properties. The beautiful flowers attract butterflies, also. 52. Petunia Pretty petunias can be grown anywhere, anytime, and they'll brighten any spot in your yard. You can plant them directly into the ground or put them in pots if you want to keep them indoors. They come in a variety of colors. Petunias grow well in full to partial light. It can thrive in any soil that has good drainage. 53. Calendula Want a flower that is attractive and also has many benefits? Calendulas have it all. Calendula flowers mainly come in shades of yellow and orange. Calendula grows best when exposed to direct sunlight and in well-drained soils rich in organic materials. 54. Portulaca Portulaca plants are commonly called moss roses. They are not only beautiful but also easy to care for. You can plant them in pots, hanging baskets, or beds. Portulaca needs bright light to grow and bloom well. Sandy or loamy soils are ideal for growing portulaca. Buy Portulaca grandiflora Buy Portulaca oleraceae 55. Nasturtium Nasturtiums are herbaceous perennial plants. The leaves and flowers of Nasturtium are edible. The flowers come in hues of red, orange, yellow, and more. They can grow well with little care. Nasturtium can grow in full or partial sunlight. Well-draining soil is suitable for growing this plant. 56. Periwinkle Periwinkle is a beautiful flowering plant with many medicinal benefits. They come in white, red, pink, and other colors. They produce beautiful blooms throughout the year. Periwinkles grow well in sunny locations and soil rich in organic matter. 57. Lavender Lavender is an excellent plant for a sunny balcony. You can grow them in pots or hanging baskets. These perennial flowers give an eye-catching view and also spread a beautiful fragrance in your garden. Buy Lavender plant 58. Impatiens Impatiens are a great addition to your winter gardens. Their vibrant blooms can brighten up any space. In addition, they do not require much water, and adding adequate fertilizers will increase the blooms. 59. Begonias You can use Begonias to brighten up your home during the cold season. They can bloom even when temperatures drop. Begonias can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. 60. Dianthus Dianthus is a herbaceous biennial or perennial flowering shrub. It has become a popular ornamental garden plant. They're easy to grow and come in a range of colors. 61. Morning Glory Morning glory is one of the most popular garden plants for attracting birds, butterflies, and other pollinating insects. 62. Zinnia Zinnias are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They are also lovely plants, so if you're planning to add color to your yard, these should be considered. In addition, zinnias make great cut flowers. Full sun is ideal for growing zinnias. Soils rich in organic material are preferable. 63. Kalanchoe Kalanchoes are easy-to-care-for plants that require little maintenance. They need a sunny spot and occasional watering. Buy Kalanchoe plant 64. Adenium Grow this attractive succulent indoors during the cold months and let you enjoy the beauty of the blooms. The lovely miniature tree form of the plant and its rose-like flowers add beauty wherever they grow. 65. Moth Orchid Grow moth orchids indoors for their lovely blooms during the cold months. These orchids require 4-5 hours of indirect sunlight. They look spectacular with their large pure white flowers. 66. Anthurium Anthuriums can bloom in winter, too, if 5-6 hours of sunlight is available. Their glossy leaves and flowers add a sparkling hue to your indoors. Long-lasting flowers of anthurium are an added advantage. 67. Crown of Thorns As long as you're not bothered by its thorns, add this plant to your indoor garden for flowers in winter. Pretty little flowers bloom in clusters adding colors to indoors. Keep it out of reach of children and animals, as sharp spines could injure them. 68. Flowering Maple The leaves of this plant are similar to that of a maple tree, therefore the name flowering maple. It is a shrub with blooms identical to hibiscus flowers. They need full sunlight and nutrient-rich soil to grow well. 69. Cockscomb Cockscomb is a great, low-maintenance plant that comes in a variety of colors. It grows well even in poor, rocky, and sandy soils. 70. Marigolds Marigolds are beautiful flowers that come in various colors. They are also known to have medicinal properties. What makes them unique is their ability to attract pollinators, such as bees. 71. Bengal Clock vine It is an evergreen vine with blue to mauve flowers. They attract birds, butterflies especially, and bumble bees. They have a deep root system. With their rope-like stems, these plants can reach a height of 15m when supported by a host tree. 72. Scarlet Clock Vine It is a gorgeous evergreen vine. The beautiful red flowers appear in clusters and hang down from the vine. The brightness of the flower color depends on the temperature. The drooping habit of flower clusters makes a statement wherever they grow. 73. Mysore trumpet vine It is a woody stemmed flowering vine. The vine grows up to a height of 6 meters. The rich color and hanging habit of flower clusters make it a great addition to any garden. 74. King's Mantle It is a commonly cultivated plant. King's mantle is a hardy plant. The elongated bell-shaped flowers amidst lush green leaves add a lot of beauty to your garden. They are great plants to plant in hedges and borders. 75. Bleeding-heart vine It is an evergreen liana growing up to 4m. The small, flat flowers have balloon-like white calyxes from which emerge brilliant crimson or dark red corollas. Gardener services Maintenance gardener Setup gardener Balcony gardener Vegetable gardener Flower gardener Virtual garden consultation Landscaping services Landscape design Landscape garden maintenance Online nursery Organic pesticides and fertilizers Plant media Organic seeds Extra reading Growing Tips for Moss rose Sun loving flowering plants How to grow Nasturtium? Flowering plants of India Flowering Plants that are Easy to Grow Happy Gardening! Dr. Vandana K.